
Ep. 52 Would Petty Theft Affect Adjustment of Status for Green Card?

  • Be truthful and disclose any crime on the application. Failure to do so could be a problem.
  • Most cases in most jurisdictions it will not be a problem as long as it’s fully disclosed.
  • If it’s one offence, and as long as all the fines and rehabilitation programs has been completed, there is actually an exception.

Raw Transcript:

Jacob: Hello everybody, this is Jacob here at Ask an Immigration Lawyer Podcast. You ask, we answer, simple.

Today we got a question from our Facebook page and this question is about petty theft and marriage-based green card.

Question talks about a person was arrested for petty theft and the court charged him with a misdemeanor and later the case was dismissed after a diversion program. Now this person just got married and would like to know if this theft – looks like it was under $100 theft from the store – is going to affect the adjustment of status for the green card. Read more

Ep. 50 How to Apply for Green Card from Student Visa?

  • F visa holder must know that when you apply for a green card you may lose the chance of renewing your F1.
  • The length of a green card process can take two or more years. This process will not allow you a right to stay in the US.
  • Until you can get to the adjustment of status process, you won’t be allowed to work.
  • It may take years especially for those from India and China.
  • Always get advice from a qualified attorney before filing from an F1

Raw Transcript:

Jacob: Hello everybody, this is Jacob here at Ask An Immigration Lawyer Podcast. You ask, we answer, simple.

I’m getting a lot of questions now that the H1B lottery is over. Many, many people were not selected and they have to go back to student status, they have to give up those jobs because H1B visas were not – they were not selected in the lottery. Read more

Ep. 27 Married to a U.S. citizen but entered illegally. Can I still obtain a green card?

  • The big difference between coming to the US illegally and entering legally but overstayed your visa
  • The process you need to follow when you enter the US without inspection after April 2001; before this date section 245-I can be used to adjust status in US
  • In 2013 a new waiver was introduced to allow to file a pardon if the only offence is an overstay

Raw Transcript:

Jacob: Hello everybody, welcome to another episode of Ask an Immigration Lawyer. This is your host Attorney Jacob Sapochnick.

We’re getting a lot, a lot of questions from our Facebook page, very good questions. This one is from Leslie and Leslie’s questions is she married a US citizen, she entered the country without a Visa, she came illegally. Both don’t have any children yet but the marriage is bonafide. Leslie is wondering how can she legalize herself, how can she get herself documents by marrying a US citizen but entering the country illegally. Read more

Ep. 2 Husband is Green Card Holder. Wife has F1 Student Visa. Can she stop school, stay and work?

Introduction: You ask we answer your immigration questions. Simple. And now your host immigration lawyer Jacob Sapochnick.

Jacob: This week we have a question from Imelda from Phoenix, Arizona and Imelda is asking the following question. The question is my husband is a green card holder. He became a green card holder about a year ago and I’m a student, I’m an F1 student. If we file the petition for the green card am I able to get a work permit and stay in the US and stop going to school? Read more