
Ep. 52 Would Petty Theft Affect Adjustment of Status for Green Card?

  • Be truthful and disclose any crime on the application. Failure to do so could be a problem.
  • Most cases in most jurisdictions it will not be a problem as long as it’s fully disclosed.
  • If it’s one offence, and as long as all the fines and rehabilitation programs has been completed, there is actually an exception.

Raw Transcript:

Jacob: Hello everybody, this is Jacob here at Ask an Immigration Lawyer Podcast. You ask, we answer, simple.

Today we got a question from our Facebook page and this question is about petty theft and marriage-based green card.

Question talks about a person was arrested for petty theft and the court charged him with a misdemeanor and later the case was dismissed after a diversion program. Now this person just got married and would like to know if this theft – looks like it was under $100 theft from the store – is going to affect the adjustment of status for the green card. Read more